Justin Fontanini D.O.M., A.P.

Dr. Justin  Fontanini  was first  exposed  to natural  medicine  by  his  father. He  began to needle  his  family,  close  friends,  and  himself  when  he  was  just 18  years  old  from the guidance of his father. 

Justin  graduated from East  West  College of  Natural  Medicine  in  Sarasota, Florida. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Health  Science  and Masters degree  in Oriental Medicine  and  he is  board certified by the state of Florida and NCCAOM.  Justin is recognized as an  Acupuncture  Physician, Doctor  of  Oriental Medicine, and  Board  Certified Herbal Physician. 

While  in Florida, Justin apprenticed with two world famous doctors who teach a new form of  medicine  known as  Auricular  Medicine.  One  named  Dr. Huang  is  regarded  as  the Worlds  Master of  Auricular  Medicine  and  has treated the president of China, Italy, Fidel Castro, and  many  other  government  officials.  Justin  assisted   in  research,  which  was published as the book Auricular Diagnosis.  Justin received a Master Certificate of Auricular Medicine in 2006. He is part of a select group in the world who holds this recognition. 

In 2004, Justin met  another unique Chinese  Medicine doctor to  apprentice  with  who has 7  generations  and over 200 years of Chinese Medicine  Doctors  in his family. Together  they published articles and held many advanced trainings for Acupuncturists in Florida. Having practiced  Tai Chi and  Qi Gong for many  years inspired him to become a Certified Qi Gong Instructor and he offers weekly Tai Chi and Qi Gong  classes. Justin  has  worked  and  trained in  Beijing, China and  also taught in Taipei, Taiwan.

Miguel J. De Puigdorfila D.O.M., A.P.

He is familiarized with the Western natural, Ayurvedic and Chinese systems. He studied Naturopathy with FUNIBER/University of León, Spain, validated by the California University f.c.e. His Naturopathy degree was concentrated in Chinese Medicine and non-invasive biological therapies. Before his degree in Chinese Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, he worked as an assistant naturopath in an Ayurvedic Clinic San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, where he published several newspaper articles on food as a medicine.

In Albuquerque New Mexico he did several internships with the East-West Integrated Pain and Rehab Center. In New Mexico and Puerto Rico, he also participated in many popular radio programs on health issues. He is NCCAOM nationally board certified, licensed as a DOM in New Mexico and Florida, Board Certified Feng Shui Master Practitioner, Board Certified Iridologist, Florida certified for Acupuncture Injection Therapy, and certified in the use of Acupuncture with Medicinal Cannabis.

Claudia Fontanini M.B.A.

Claudia Fontanini is the co-founder and Clinic Manager of Acupuncture and Natural Therapies in Tampa Florida. For over 10 years she performed detailed evaluations using Chinese medicine’s holistic approach with more than a thousand patients to assess their health, lifestyle, habits, psychology, past traumas, and current stressors.

While talking with each patient, she was able to identify all the links and contributing factors that were key triggers to their current health problems. Through time, she realized that it was very clear to see that not just our current state of health, but all other areas in life such as finances, family, leisure, spirituality, friendships, career, and more, are tightly connected to a root that can trigger any aspect of our health to break down.  This was a fascinating realization that created a strong desire to read and learn everything related to our subconscious mind, the law of attraction, and the amazing energy matrix we live in.  

​​Claudia joined many trainings in the field of Oriental Medicine and self-development and self-empowerment.  Some of these include Feng Shui, Reiki, External Qi Healing, Tai chi, Qi gong, Meditation, the Power of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind, the Law of Attraction, and Yi Jing.  She has taught health lectures many times over the years and was a featured presenter at the Conscious Mind Mastery event in 2017, 2019, and 2020.  She received her Master’s in Business Administration in 2004 from the University of South Florida, her External Qi Healing certificate in 2016, and finished her Chinese Yi Jing consulting training also in 2016. She is the co-founder of Conscious Mind Mastery and the author of Manifest the Life You Want.

George Fontanini

George Fontanini is a Certified Holistic Health Educator. Herbalist and health researcher.

Diane Fontanini

Diane Fontanini’s  natural health  consciousness  goes  back to  more  than  40 years. She was  born  in  South Dakota  where  she lived in a farm with organic gardens.  Later on she lived in health  progressive  cities  such as  Boulder and Santa Cruz, made it easier for her and her family to become health oriented.

Diane   became  involved   with  Shaklee and  Herbal  Life, natural  health  companies  that offered  her  with great  knowledge  she  would use  for the rest  of her life. She has always been   interested   in   spring   water,  organic  food, Macro  Biotics  cooking   classes, and acupuncture.

Diane  always  says  she  has  been blessed with great health because of healthy food and life  style  choices. She  is  very  happy  to work with her family at Acupuncture and Natural Therapies in Tampa, FL.

Mariam Abraha, RN

Ms. Mariam Abraha is a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience in patient care management. She received her nursing degree in 1988 and a Certificate in IV Treatment in 2001.

She is currently supporting patients with Heavy Metal Testing through hair analysis offering help with sampling and report analysis.

She has taught patients, families, and caregivers basic care handling. She has experience implementing a plan of care while maintaining close communication between the primary care physicians and the hospice consultants.

Ms. Abraha’s upbringing manifests itself as being a person in faith, very humble, a person with deep empathy and sympathy.

Maria Fernanda Bacilieri, LMT, Reflexologist, and Pranic Healer

Maria Fernanda became a massage therapist in Cortiva Institute ( Former Florida College of Natural Health) in Pompano Beach, FL in 1998. Since then she started to grow interest in natural therapies and metaphysics. She is a Certified Reflexologist (hands and feet), Color Light Therapist, Sound therapy practitioner, Aromatherapy practitioner, Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yoga (Meditation).

With her background in Educational Psychology ( Bachelor Degree) in Colombia, she is able to blend all her knowledge of therapies and experience to make a truly body, mind and soul healing experience for her patients.